Feb 19, 2011

February 4, 2011


As bapak said, "you're no longer a teenage girl."
So yeap, i'm a grown up girl i suppose (not for the height obviously).
Basically, being a 20-year-old girl has given me lots of experiences and challenges.
And yesss they really taught me on dealing with the people around 
and of course on planning the future ahead.

Whatever they are, I will unendingly praise Allah for granting me the chance
to still keep breathing and having wondrous people all around me.
I personally would like to give special thanks to those who made their effort on my birthday. :)

Nabila, Fairuz, Ajin.
Thanks a lot for the surprise.
Sygg korang till the end.

You made the day.
Seeing you was the greatest gift.
Thanks a million for coming.

And also, I appreciate this thoughtful effort from u.

your home-made cake was delectable.
Sukeeee! :D

Not to forget, thanks to Reza for the beautiful shawls
and zillion thanks to those who concerned to wish, hehe.