Feb 25, 2010

Sunshine :)

February 18, 2010

I'm officially taken.

oleh jejaka muda ini, Haziq Ashraf  :)

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

  the story began since this guy added me up at facebook and ym around a month ago. mule2 aku ingat dye ni foreigner. tgk2 ckp melayu plak mamat ni. hahah. :D haziq syg, i know u're reading this. don't mind me. i go crazy when i write about you. ;)

okay lets start when he first asked for my number. "can i have ur number? just in case nk ckp psl studies ke". alasan baeekkkk! haha jgn marahh! :P

and his first text was "lol isit u dat missed call or ur friend? :)" ape laa, mesti la aku yg missed call, pe jadahnye membe nak missed call kan? hehe.

okay haziq saye ni jenis yg giler tahap dewa 18. dan sgt loading kdg2 sampai rase nk hempuk muke dye dgn baldi. dye juge ade masalah pendengaran yg tak la begitu serius tapi cukup utk buat anda rase kesabaran itu ade hadnye. aku cakap nak g beli BARANG, tapi dye ingat aku nak gi makan kat restoran BARAM. wujud ke? syg, g korek telinge eh? :D

the first time we met was at Hijaz and it was just for couple of minutes before he went off to class. i looked horrible that day i guess. then 2nd time we met was on my 19th birthday (ok, aku dah tua) at TeaBox iaitu kedai makan yg ade tmpt karaoke yg memekak setiap malam kecuali malam jumaat. kalau suara sedap xpe, ni mcm suara keldai cacat! lol. ok back to the story, we met for few times la on other days at that particular place and he brought me to bistro al-salam. ok agak romantic ^_^

when he texted "i want u to be part of my life." i thought he was approaching me. was that really an approach? i had no idea at that time. until this particular date we had an eye to eye. haha. and i said yes! that was incredible doeh. :D

this pic was at NZ curryhouse on February 7, 2010.
ye gamba ini sgt skema nak mati, saye tahu itu.

to be honest, he's a good-natured guy. the one who always manage to make me smile or even laugh every single day. it's kinda lame to say this but i've never ever met this type of guy before. he's jovial and a real merrymaker. ;)

i love his heart the most for sure, but his smile would make me put a bullet into my head. oh God how it turns my world around! :) and i loveeeeeee his nose sbb mancung gilerrr. maklum la hidung saye hidung jawaa. -_-

and haziq loves "wei agak laa", "damn dumb", "funny la u", "u're awesome", "go crazy!" and "go naked!" lol those are soo haziq! :D

OMG he wore my favourite evening cap!! ^_^

one more thing my dear husband-to-be, i want you to love the two typical me. first, the minute i get up in the morning. second, the moments i make silly faces. then can i only tell whether you love me for me or for looks. take me as i am or watch me as i bid goodbye. if one day u show any interest to other chicks out there, i would totally understand. guys nowadays are so predictable. :D

i'm not choosy. i don't love your looks or your money but your heart matters the most. what good is any relationship with no trust? love signifies nothing when there is no sacrifice. i love you with everything  i am and more than anyone else thought possible.

baby im terribly sorry i kept you waiting to read this particular post. i have been pestered by my DEAREST sister since i started to write this. and diyanah was sleeping over my house so yea we had lots of chit chatting and to conclude, i delayed this post for times. but i don't blame them at all. i am sorry! :(

to end with, i dont want these parts of you to fade away. i hope you are not one of those slime balls. you've brightened my world with the warmth of your presence.

I love you, Haziq Ashraf